Tribal Cafe Show a Success!

Arcana Dea Dance

The show last weekend March 10th, was magical and a great success. We raised $867.00 for the Comox Valley Transition Society women's shelter and the dancing was fabulous. Local dancers and dancers from all over Vancouver Island and as far as Vancouver came to perform and support the event. A wide variety of dance styles and traditions were represented including; Egyptian Beledi, Tunisian, Algerian Berber, Kalbelia Sapera dance, ATS (American Tribal Style), tribal fusion, Indian Arabic fusion...
It's always such a treat to reconnect with dancers/friends from near and afar and share out passion for dance! 
Big thanks to everyone invoved; dancers, volunteers, Sarah Kerr, Rick, DJ NILS, The Bridge Lounge, Anne Davis, Melanie... the list goes on.
Here are some of the amazing photos of the show by Sarh Kerr, enjoy!

Arcana Dea, class dance


Dorothy Smith

Katie Eicher

Candace Alderige-Sanchez

Lori Sargent

The Spin Jinny

Taiya Curle

The Saidi Sisters

Tribal Spirit with Edith Jacob